Start With Python Within 5 Minutes | Easily Download and Install Python In Your System

Hey guyz, today I am going to talk about how you can download, install and start with Python within 5 minutes.
If you want you can compete with making maggi…python download and install will complete before maggi is ready. 😁😁😁
So let’s start without any wait…coz we have only 5 minutes
Downloading Python:
The first step will be to open browser and go to
You will get a screen like this

This is the official python website. In order to download python, click on the “Downloads” button as you can see above.
Once the page is opened, just click on “Download Python” BIG YELLOW button. (It’s the easiest way).
You can also search for installer file within the site based on your OS (operating system) and architechture (x86, x64 etc.), if you want to go the long way.
It should look like this

Installing Python
Once the installer is downloaded, go to Downloads folder of your system and double-click on the installer file.
A window like this would appear
Now a VERY IMPORTANT STEP !!!…..the future of your python depends on this step. And that is !!!!….to click on “Add Python to PATH” checkbox.

Once you have done that, click on “Install Now” button.

Once you click on this, a screen like this will appear
This is just the installer installing python into your system.
That’s right. Sit back, relax and maybe check on your maggi status while the installer does the heavy lifting.
Once the installation is done, a screen like this will appear.
Congratulations !!! Python is installed !!!
I bet your maggi won’t be ready by now
To confirm installation, open terminal and type
If everything is right, you will get a screen like this
If you get this screen. The process is successfully done.
If you also wanna know how to write your first script, check out my video about this post

Thanks for reading :) :) :)
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