Types Of Python That You Didn’t Know Of | Python Programming Tutorial

All About Python
4 min readMay 2, 2021


Hey guyz ! in today’s blog I am going to talk about the different types of python that currently exists and are being used.

Yes ! there are more than one type of Python. To know everything about it, check out this blog till the end.

I am going to talk about, namely, 6 types of Python out of which two of them are just different versions of original python. The six types are:-

1. PyPy

2. RPython

3. Jython

4. Cython

5. Python 2

6. Python 3

So without any further ado, let’s begin

1. PyPy:-

PyPy is nothing but Python within Python. PyPy is the python which is developed over python framework. Now you must be thinking, “what use can this have?”

Well, PyPy is really useful for developers who maintain and update Python language as PyPy provides an excellent testing ground for python updates, bugs and crash fixes. All of this is possible due to the fact that PyPy is made of RPython, which is a subset of Python.

To know more about PyPy, check out their official site: https://www.pypy.org/

2 RPython:-

RPython stands for “Restricted Python”. It’s not restricted or something, It is named so because of the way it works. By definition, RPython “puts some constraints on the Python language such that a variable’s type can be inferred at compile time” .

As RPython was developed to develop PyPy, it was developed in such a way as to ease development of programming language. RPython provides features like pluggable garbage collectors, as well as optionally enabling Stackless Python features.

To know more about RPython, check out its official site: https://rpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

3 Jython:-

As the name suggests, Jython is creation of python within Java……

Is it just me, or these versions are starting to become more funny !!!

Now you may ask “why would anyone need to do that”. Well think twice.

Let us assume that you are creating a Java application and you want to add some special functionality that you are, due to some reasons, unable to create in Java. However you know that the functionality can be created in Python. But how can you add Python in Java.

Now you will start to get it. Jython allows developers to use python code within java application. It comes really handy in adding functionalities in java application.

Many java applications nowadays use Jython.

To know more about Jython, check out this site: https://www.jython.org/

4 Cython:-

Cython is a very useful type of python as it solves one of the most annoying problems of Python programming language, and that is ‘slow speed’.

Cython converts, saves and runs python code in C language. As a result, code execution time becomes a lot faster while the developer is still coding in python language. This is really useful in cases where complex scientific and mathematical calculations need to be done

To know more about Cython, check out their site: https://cython.org/

Now we are entering into the realm of the original python.

5. Python 2:-

Python 2 is the older version of python. It’s development is officially closed, except for security fixes. Although this version is no longer used, few older books and tools of python still use this version. SO you can definitely learn about it.

Also many a times during your programming journey, you may feel the need to convert python 2 code to python 3. So you should know the difference. I will surely make a blog and video on this.

6. Python 3:-

This the python people know and use. Python 3 is the current python version that is constantly updating and changing with time. All major python applications are made in python 3. Even I use python 3 and recommend everyone to use this version during their journey.

Official site for both python2 and python 3 is this https://python.org

With this I end this blog

For more information, check out my video

Also don’t forget to check out my Youtube Channel.

Medium link: https://allaboutpythoninfo.medium.com/

Thanks for reading



All About Python

Python lover, self-learner, "Let's do this" kinda person. Always ready for group python projects